This July 4th weekend I scored a gently used copy of Nan Goldin's The Ballad of Sexual Dependency for $12.95 at a bookstore in Saugherties, NY.
Oh, if only all photo books were such a bargain!
I'm an Amazon junkie and in between ordering the latest box of diapers for my son, I peruse their photo books - adding to my Wish List in hopes that someone will send them to me as gifts...
Recently I realized (took me long enough!) that I could buy used copies at a fraction of the cost. This will certainly drive me to become a photo book collector.
Arriving this week about a subject near and dear to my heart (diversity in photography history) is Photography's Other Histories, edited by Christopher Pinney and Nicolas Peterson.
Check out the book description:
Moving the critical debate about photography away from its current Euro-American center of gravity, Photography’s Other Histories breaks with the notion that photographic history is best seen as the explosion of a Western technology advanced by the work of singular individuals. This collection presents a radically different account, describing photography as a globally disseminated and locally appropriated medium. Essays firmly grounded in photographic practice—in the actual making of pictures—suggest the extraordinary diversity of nonwestern photography.
See my Amazon Wishlist of books on photography history, theory and essays.
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